Client Reviews & Stories
She Transformed my relationship with my pets...
Lisa helped me recognize that my
pets are more enormous and enlightened
beings than I ever imagined possible.
She transformed my relationship with my pets and all animals, and I now observe their behavior in a much more expanded and intelligent way."
- Rick Schaeffer, MD
Author of "Extreme Thought Makeover"

Whispering with The Nokota Wild Mustangs
"I give her "four paws up!" ****
- Amelia kInkade
The Language of Miracles Institute
Amelia Kinkade is one of the most globally-celebrated Animal Communication teachers
in the world. She is the author of six books,
and the founder of ArK Angel Society, an educational non-profit that visits schools in Zambia, Rwanda, and South Africa to enlighten about the dangers of poaching.

Prince was not himself...

Hazel and Peepah
A Cross Country Move With My Two Cats…
Jillian I.
San Diego, CA
“I was packing up my life to move across country with my two cats. Everything was in boxes and I wanted to make sure we were all equipped for the journey. After meeting with Lisa, I felt more prepared then ever. Her insights and interpretations of the conversations she had with my girls was SO HELPFUL!
She communicated to me how my cats were dealing with the moving process and the advice they had for me. One of them asked for a leash to keep them safe (remarkably that cat is the only one that likes wearing the harness and actually brings it to me so she can go outside at our new home!!). The other cat asked to stay, that she was not convinced the move would be good for her (that cat got quite sick from the stress of the move and took over a month to recover fully).
They both expressed a deep dislike for a man who, it turns out, was wickedly unfaithful to me and they gave me advice on how to “weed out the rats” in the future. And, funniest part: Lisa told me about how much my youngest cat wanted a box of dirt in the house. Honestly…a BOX OF DIRT! After arriving at our new home, I put both cats into their harnesses to hang out in the yard and where does the youngest beeline? TO A PILE OF DIRT!! No joke. She loves the stuff. Rolls in it every time she goes out. I would have never believed it to be true.”

He is Much More Loving and Calm…
Elaine L.
Peoria, Il
"I spoke with Lisa about my daughter's kitten, Nelson. He had been attacking her with both his teeth and claws often enough that at times she was scared of him. Lisa, however, did not know this. She asked only for his age, sex, name and a photo.
After speaking with Nelson her insights were exactly on target. She knew details of Nelson's life that I didn't know until I conveyed our conversation to my daughter. I am still dumbfounded! Lisa offered specific advice on Nelson's wants and needs and did so in a warm and compassionate manner.
My daughter has done her best to fulfill these needs by following Lisa's suggestions. Nelson's behavior has changed radically. He is much more loving and calm and much, much happier. We are all grateful for Lisa's exceptional gifts. My experience with Lisa was truly extraordinary."

Lisa Gave Me Unique Insights…
Rachel B.
Clive, IA
"Lisa truly has a gift. With only a picture, she was able to hear from each of them. I was having some behavioral issues with one, but after implementing what she told me he needed, those issues stopped completely. My second dog was barking a lot. Lisa told me he felt like his job was protecting us, especially from “an orange cat”. How could she have known we have a big orange cat that sometimes prowls through or around our yard?
But probably the most amazing revelation was that my youngest dog told her that our oldest had “a bad foot” and it hurt for him to walk. We didn’t notice anything unusual at the time, but a few months later we found out that he had a painful growth in one of his toes. After taking care of it, he feels better than he has since before Lisa did the reading!
Lisa gave me unique insights into what my dogs need to be happy and healthy, and she did it all from a distance. She has a special talent and I would recommend her to anyone with a pet."
She Knew His History...
Michelle B. / Animal Communicator
Rochester, MN
"When Lisa spoke to our beloved Golden Retriever, Foster, who joined the realm of heaven several years ago, the information she was able to share with us was both breathtaking and heartwarming.
She not only knew his history before he came to live with us, but also how he passed and why. He also shared with her some of the illnesses I had at the time and how he had so willingly taken some of that burden off of me.
Even in his final breaths, he did his absolute best to help me heal. Foster had a heart of gold and so does Lisa. It is a blessing to have Lisa in my life and in the lives of the animals I so dearly love."
The Need For One On One Time…
Julia A.
Oak Creek, WI
"One thing that she mentioned was since the birth of our daughter, Primo misses having one on one time with me. I would have never guessed that he had this feeling or needed this. We thought we were giving him extra attention (ample play time, walks, interactions) but never considered the need for one on one.
Since my conversation with Lisa, I make it a priority to spend alone time with Primo and can tell the difference in his behavior and temperament. He is overall a happier dog. Without this information, he wouldn’t be the dog he is today and I am very grateful to Lisa!”
Marcia L.
Neenah, WI
"Lisa absolutely blows me away each time she communicates with one of my animals. Her latest session with Prince, my 13 year- old Mangalarga Marchador gelding was no exception.
Prince was not himself but my only clue was that he would take a step back or to the side when I tried to mount. He was sending me a message but I didn't know what it was.
Lisa connected with him and had quite a chat. He told her that when I came to ride lately, I was "like the wind blowing in two directions at once". He asked me to just "be" in his presence and let our energies "calibrate". He also asked to get rid of the bit as it wasn't necessary. He relayed that he wasn't feeling good, but if he was out on pasture he would be able to eat what he needed....dandelion greens. He said that he needed his blood to be cleansed...a liver cleanse.
Because Lisa was able to give me specifics, I was able to attend to his needs. We went bit-less immediately, and without incident I might add. I found organic dandelion greens in my local grocery store...something that had never been on the shelves before. I put him on an herbal liver cleanse and could feel his demeanor change within days. I made more time for my visits to the barn. I just chilled out with Prince and it made a huge difference. Now, he is once again standing motionless at the mounting block.
Lisa is truly amazing, always "spot on" and able to get such detailed information from the animals she communicates with. This allows the pet moms and dads to make changes if necessary for the health and well being of the animal. There is no more guessing. The animals have messages for us and I am forever grateful to have Lisa to deliver them."

The Life / Spiritual Lessons...
"Lisa’s counsel was wise, brilliant, and full of heart-felt compassion. She was particularly insightful about the life/spiritual lessons that my 2 dogs offer me their love to work out with them."
-Dr. Barry Taylor, N.D.
Love Your Body

Oliver Rabbit
The Circle of Life...
Frank and Sally Jane
Boulder, Co
"The minute Lisa started communicating with Oliver, well before we had ever spoken, his energy shifted into a more balanced and easy space.
Oliver gave us enormous peace of heart
and mind knowing that his transition from amazing health through illness and into death, was Oliver’s choice, and that he was OK with everything. We witnessed his abounding grace, dignity and openness to love largely due to Lisa's kind, clear and attuned forwarding of his messages.
He affirmed, and further awakened in us
that animals are one with the Circle of Life, and from there do not look upon death as we humans do."
Struggling To Make A Decision...
Lori M Racine, WI
"I was struggling to make a necessary decision to rehome my dog. As you can imagine, it was agony even to think about that I was NOT the home my dog needed to be in.
Lisa helped me through this decision, as well as communicated with two past loved ones who have been very present in my life. She is worth her weight in gold."

A Special Gift From Callie...
Kristy M.
Milwaukee, WI
"I reached out to Lisa after a friend had mentioned her special talents. I wanted to know if my dog, Callie was happy with her current living arrangements. Lisa not only put my worries to rest, but was able to tell me very specific details about what Callie likes and dislikes. She was also able to provide special messages from Callie, "Security is just an illusion" and "Let go more and life will become richer." A little more than a week later, my position was eliminated at a company where I had worked for almost 10 years.
Sadly, Lisa also relayed a message that Callie was going to be "gone in the spring". That message stuck with me as I was trying to come up with every possible explanation other than the one I knew it meant.
I contacted Lisa again three months later, so I could hear from Callie and try to begin the healing process. The way Lisa talked about Callie, the airiness of her voice and messages brought relief and calmness. Telling me that Callie was no longer suffering, and how joyful she was to be running! Running, running, running, as fast as she could! And what touched me the most, was that Lisa mentioned how much Callie loved the rose gold heart necklace I got in remembrance of her. Lisa has a special gift and I'm forever grateful for the messages I received."