Animal Communication:
How To Prepare For A Session
1. Once you have booked your session, please make sure I receive two photos of each animal(s) with their eyes (windows of the Soul) clearly facing the lens, and a body shot, along with their name, sex, age, and location. I ask to have the photos at least 2 days prior to our session, if possible. Even if we are planning
to have an in-person session, it is helpful for me to tune into them through a photograph beforehand.
2. Your animal does not need to be present during the remote session because I will have already introduced myself, received their permission to communicate (hopefully!) , and chatted with them before you and I talk.
3. Provide a list of your questions, concerns, issues, and any pertinent and basic facts without too much detail.
4. Please let your animal know I will be speaking with them and give them your permission to share!
I always ask permission to talk with your animals. Often a communication becomes more clear and flows more easily once they have your blessing, and they know what to expect.
5. I don’t email responses or communications, or record the session, but it's fine for you to do so. ( I like to know if I'm being recorded! ) I encourage you to take good notes. I share what I get even if it seems random or unusual, and sometimes the information might take time to fully understand. Clients regularly report back to me about something from our initial conversation that only made sense to them later on. Keep an open mind!
6. For emergency situations, please reach out to me directly via phone or email to arrange the session. I will do my best to accommodate you sooner than my calendar availability might indicate, if I can.
7. Your animal is opening themselves to sharing with you, so please do your best to respect their perspective and honor their wishes as much as possible. Healthy relationships are built upon trust, and often an animal just needs to feel heard before they will change a behavior. Not unlike most people!
8. I am not a veterinary medical doctor. Any health-related messages conveyed to you in our session should be addressed with your vet or other licensed animal healthcare practitioner before taking any action.
9. Lastly, thank them for sharing by reassuring them how much you love them unconditionally “just as they are!"