Evidential & Psychic Medium
A medium is someone who has highly-tuned their non-physical (Psychic) senses to receive
information, mentally and emotionally, from a person or animal who has left their physical body.
Lisa is both an evidential and psychic medium. She has studied with some of the world's most
recognized mediums and tutors from The Arthur Findlay College, The Journey Within, and more,
to develop her intuitive gifts. She shares information from those present in spirit that you will recognize, along with their messages of importance, acknowledgment, love, peace, and healing.
Mediums do not predict the future or tell you your fortune, but rather work from a much
deeper place with the spirit world to help you understand your true nature as an eternal spirit with
an intrinsic relationship to God and Source. Even a non-believer can appreciate the eternal cycles
of life found in nature: When one season ends, it is followed by new, and ever- evolving life in the next.
Before the session, please invite your loved ones in spirit to be present. Create a quiet space free
from distractions. Avoid alcohol or other mood-altering substances prior to the session to keep the vibration as high and clear as possible. Please let Lisa know if you are still experiencing deep grief.
Set your intention and keep an open mind: Spirit does not always follow our wishes and commands,
and we don't get to decide who presents, or in which order. Spirit has its own agenda and intelligence
about what and how they bring forth the information to help Lisa communicate their presence to you.
Write down anything that might not make sense to you at the time, as it might be better understood
or validated later on after the session. This happens all the time!
Please allow Spirit to the information, unless asked. To avoid lengthy discussion during the session, simple replies such as "Yes" "No" or "I don't know" are best. We can share and discuss things more in depth afterwards.
I look forward to working with you and your loved ones in spirit!
With love and honor,